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Trở lại   Chợ thông tin In Ấn Việt Nam > Kiến thức căn bản > Chế bản điện từ - CTP - CTF

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Cũ 04-07-2012, 08:46 AM
lyprodan lyprodan đang online
Junior Member
Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 7
Mặc định Violet CtP Technology

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Violet CtP Technology........................................ ............................... During the last years, violet Computer-to-Plate solutions including the PlateDriver have gained important market shares.These systems are built on the well-known visible-light imaging technology and represent some very interesting advantages especially related to speed and costs:Lower laser costOne of the main advantages of the violet technology is the low cost of the laser. This is due to the fact that these diodes are developed for the DVD and other consumer markets. The result is that they are produced in huge numbers affording economies of a scale that cannot be achieved with e.g. thermal IR diodes. As this technology will expand the coming years, prices are expected to decrease even further.Lower acquisition costThe lower cost of violet laser optics brings down the total acquisition cost of the visible-light CtP solution. Another factor, which lower the costs, is the fact that normally only one diode is needed in visible-light systems whereas thermal systems use multi-beam imaging heads with up to 96 diodes.More and more suppliers have entered the violet CtP market, which have lowered the prices even further. In fact, today only two of the major suppliers in the market do not offer violet CtP devices.Lower operational costsMany companies consider the daily operating costs more important than the acquisition cost, and violet technology represents some important advantages in this respect.Compared to thermal IR diodes, violet diodes have a longer lifetime because of the following issues:Thermal diodes generate higher power and thus very high temperatures which results in ageing at an earlier stage. The large number of diodes in an external drum CtP system gives a much higher replacement rate than an internal drum system that uses only one. Another benefit, which has a positive impact on the cost of ownership of visible-light solutions, is related to the processing equipment, because development of a thermal plate requires additional steps and the start-up costs are far more expensive than with other plates, e.g. silver plates.Higher speedViolet imaging is faster than thermal imaging, as visible-light plates are much more sensitive, which allows faster imaging with less powerful lasers. Thermal plate material requires at least 1000 times more energy to be exposed. Today, standard thermal CtP units are optimized in such a way that they expose as fast as the plate material allows. Nevertheless, it is not unusual that it takes about 50 per cent longer to output a thermal plate than a visible-light plate.As it is difficult to have the drum rotate faster in an external drum system because of the weight of the drum, adding more diodes to the system can increase speed. High-speed thermal CtP do offer a higher speed, but they are also very expensive due to the important number of diodes used. .................................................. .....................collect

nt|Boomerang Co., LtdChỉnh sửa bởi nt vào 03-10-2005 11:49

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