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Cũ 04-07-2012, 08:36 AM
woodhoangphuc1999 woodhoangphuc1999 đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 11
Mặc định Cho em hỏi thuật ngữ của mực in flexo!

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Em dịch tài liệu Tiếng Anh thì có những thuật ngữ khó ko thể hiểu nó là cái gì, mong các ace giúp giùm.Solvency power is the most important factor in considering the utility of a solvent. In polymer solutions of high concentration, liquids with high solvency power produce solutions with the lowest viscosity. This property can be used as a solvent for a particular resin. Such solvents commonly fall into three categories: active, diluents and latent . Solvents which can solely dissolve a resin are denoted as active . Liquids which are non-solvents for the primary resin, but which can be adds to an existing resin solution without increasing viscosity or causing precipitation(kết tủa) are called diluents. Occasionally ,it is found for certain principal resins that blends of liquids considered to be diluents or non-solvents for this resin interact to form a co-solvent blend capable of solubilizing the material. These solvents are regarded as latent solvents for this resin. active, diluent, latent là gì ? Just as an ink may contain a variety of resins to achieve the required physical properties, most inks are formulated to contain a offering a satisfactory balance of solubility, rheology and drying speed. If a solvent blend is used, it is crucial that the slowest evaporating solvent be a good solvent for the ink system. Problems with loss of gloss, adhesion, poor printability, film integrity and product resistance will result if the last solvent to evaporate is a non-solvent for the resin system used. This behavior is commonly referred to as ink souring or kick-out. Conversely, the solvent blend chosen should not have there is difficulty in removing the solvent souring và kick-out là gì vậy ạ.

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